Teaching kids and teens Krav Maga can be quite different than adults, primarily because of their size, age, level of understanding and maturity in regards to the reality in the streets, and the dangers they may encounter.
Since Krav Maga builds defenses off of natural reactions to a wealth of potential attacks, the goal is to nurture those reflexes. With kids the teaching happens through games that encourages and builds those natural reflexes. The training can also include working in teams and competitive games, as well as escaping drills. Of course there is also a big component of physical fitness and coordination. All these are important aspects of empowering kids as confident individuals.
The physical and mental skills acquired will be applied to self-defense techniques at different stages in their self-defense education in a fun and supportive environment.
We look forward to one day be able to empower your children![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]